In this section we provide Polish-language lesson scenarios accompanying the textbook Europa. Nasza historia/Europa – Unsere Geschichte. For German scenarios switch to the German version of our website. The scenarios are aimed at years 5 to 8 of the Polish primary school and the Sekundarstufe I (the first stage of the secondary education) in the German education system. The goal of the scenarios is strengthening students' awareness of different historical experiences and cultural diversity thanks to the multiple perspectives that are an integral part of the textbook.
The textbook Europa. Nasza historia/Europa – Unsere Geschichte is the result of a joint project carried out from 2008 to 2020 by a team of Polish and German historians and educators. It was published simultaneously in Polish in five volumes by Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne and in German in four volumes by Eduversum. Parts of the textbook were written by the experts of the Centre for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin, the Joint Polish-German Textbook Commission of Historians and Geographers, and the Georg-Eckert-Institut. The last volume won the German prize "Textbook of the Year 2021".
The lesson scenarios are available here in Polish for free and may be used, reproduced and reworked for educational purposes. To download them, click on their titles.